Monday, June 25, 2018

PETE Poster

LI: Create a poster describing a type of plastic

My Reflection:
This is my showcase work. I am learning to write facts about a kind of plastic. I found this straightforward. The hardest part was to draw the pictures and write facts in them. My next step is to put in more detail on the poster. In my plastic work, I am learning to write facts about the kind of plastic. I found this manage because its interesting and simple to draw and write.

Place Value

My Reflection:
This is my maths work. I am learning to do Place Value and compare numbers. I found this concept easy. The thing that help me most to understand is the word on the top of each box. My next step is to do something harder. In my work,  I am learning to do  Place Value and compare numbers. I found this simple because is easy for me to understand.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Inference 2.0 (term2)

My Reflection:
This is my reading work. I am learning how to inference the question that they are asking. I found this concept straightforward. The thing that helped me most to understand was trying to use connections to figured out the answer. The hardest part was that some of the questions, were hard and I need guess some of them. My next step is work more challenging ones but not very hard ones that I couldn't understand.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Basic Facts(all times tables)

My Reflection:
I am learning/practicing how to do my basic facts for the basic fact a thon. I found this work hard and interesting because I was trying to remember my multiplication. One thing I did well is that I could still remember some of my basic facts. One thing I could do better is that maybe do more because I feel like I need to challenge myself more. Overall I thought that I did well practising/learning. 

Thursday, June 14, 2018


My Reflection:
I am learning how inference something for the question on the paper. I found this work interesting and hard because I was trying to inference in the question. One thing I could do better is that maybe I could work on doing more inferencing next time. One thing I did well is that I was trying my best to do the inference. Overall I thought I did well in this activity.`

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

The trip to Mount Ruapehu

My Reflection:
I am learning to write a story about a Avalanche happening. I found this work interesting and hard trying to think of what to write the interesting part is that I never learn anything about a Avalanche before. One thing I did well is that I remember to put it into paragraphs and full stops and capital letters. One thing that I could do better is that maybe next time do a longer story. Overall I thought I did well in this writing because it was about Mount Ruapehu and I have been there so I kind of know what it looks like. 

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Basic Facts 11 times table

My Reflection:
I am learning how to do 11x table. I found this work challenging and hard because I don't really remember all of them but I tried to remember some of them. One thing I did well is that I still remember some of the times table. One thing I could do better is that I could work on doing something harder next time. Overall i thought I did well in this task because I still remember some task.

Monday, June 11, 2018


My Reflection:
I am learning about how to do Maintenance. I found this work interesting because I never done this before and it's like basic facts. One thing I did well is that I knew my times table and my division but I couldn't put it in my document. One thing I could do better is that maybe I could challenge myself more next time I do Maintenance. Overall I thought that I did well in this Maintenance activity.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Saving Our Planet From Plastics

My Reflection:
I am learning how to write a persuasive writing about Plastics. I found this work interesting and little hard because is hard to research the facts that has to be on topic. One thing I did well is that I remember to write it in paragraphs and remembering my full stops and commas. One thing I could work on is that maybe I could write down more things about how people can reduce, reuse and recycle. Overall I thought I did well in this persuasive writing.