Friday, November 16, 2018

Flag Art

In the art we did a flag. On the flag we each get to do what ever design we want .
This is a photo of my flag.  For this piece of work I had to tape shapes of rectangle or square.
I found this straight forward because it is just taping.
Next time I could do more interesting designs for my flag.

Screencast Inference movie clip

In reading I have done inferencing.

This is a video of my inferencing skills.  For this piece of work I had to learn what is the
connection between the author and the story.
I found this straight forward and a little hard because I not really good at inferencing.
Easy as soon as I understood what was the story.
Next time I could do the inference much faster and make sure that my connection was correct
before I click on the answer.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Math Angles

In maths I have been working on Geometry - measuring Angles.

I have done a Hexagon matching puzzle, Name angle measuring art, Protractor golf, and a beginners measuring angles activity.

This is a photo of my name angle art.  For this piece of work I had to write my names using a ruler, and using straight lines.  

Then we had to measure the all the angles in our name using protractors.

I found this

tricky because sometimes there were so many angles to measure it got confusing.

tricky because most of the angles that were right angles but some were off by 2 degrees.

Easy to rule my name.

Easy as soon as I understood how to measure angles using the protractor.

Next time I could try to make the lines even and make the S to the line.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Why you should not use plastic bags

My Reflection:
I am learning to say/write a persuasive speech. I found this work very stressful because I'm bad at writing. The thing that I hate is that it has to be long enough and detailed.

Kensukes Kingdom

My Reflection:
I am learning to animate a map of Kensukes kingdom of where Michael has been. I found this work very interesting because I never actually did such a cool activity. I think this has been the best work I done all year because you can animate it how ever you want. Here is the finish work!

Mixed and Improper Fraction

My Reflection:
I was learning about Mixed and Improper Fraction. We had to explain so that a year 4 student can understand what is a Improper fraction.

Friday, September 21, 2018


My Reflection:
I am learning to screencast my maths work. This activity was for some people and here is the finish work. I have enjoy the part when you are actually doing the work.